lang | string Validation default: en | required |
user_api_hash | string Validation default: $2y$10$5RACGMNxUdz3h1ug9yAttu95U2acugM0YG1K5wx01ZrNMvpL6BWMS | required |
Query String
Responses application/json
object | ||
devices_sms | array[object] | optional |
devices_gprs | array[object] | optional |
id | integer | optional |
value | string | optional |
sms_templates | array[object] | optional |
id | string | optional |
title | string | optional |
message | null string | optional |
gprs_templates | array[object] | optional |
id | string | optional |
title | string | optional |
message | null string | optional |
commands | array[object] | optional |
id | string | optional |
value | string | optional |
units | array[object] | optional |
id | string | optional |
value | string | optional |
number_index | array[object] | optional |
id | integer | optional |
value | string | optional |
actions | array[object] | optional |
id | integer | optional |
value | string | optional |
devices_protocols | object | optional |
3 | string | optional |
commands_all | object | optional |
default | object | optional |
engineStop | string | optional |
engineResume | string | optional |
alarmArm | string | optional |
alarmDisarm | string | optional |
positionSingle | string | optional |
positionPeriodic | string | optional |
positionStop | string | optional |
movementAlarm | string | optional |
setTimezone | string | optional |
rebootDevice | string | optional |
sendSms | string | optional |
custom | string | optional |
watch | object | optional |
sosNumber | string | optional |
alarmSos | string | optional |
alarmBattery | string | optional |
alarmRemove | string | optional |
rebootDevice | string | optional |
silenceTime | string | optional |
alarmClock | string | optional |
setPhonebook | string | optional |
pt502 | object | optional |
engineStop | string | optional |
engineResume | string | optional |
status | integer | optional |
"devices_gprs": [ { "id": 3, "value": "Device name" } ], "sms_templates": [ { "id": "0", "title": "No template", "message": null }, { "id": "1", "title": "Template title", "message": "Template message" } ], "gprs_templates": [ { "id": "0", "title": "No template", "message": null }, { "id": "1", "title": "Template title", "message": "Template message" } ], "commands": [ { "id": "engineStop", "value": "Engine stop" }, { "id": "engineResume", "value": "Engine resume" }, { "id": "alarmArm", "value": "Alarm arm" }, { "id": "alarmDisarm", "value": "Alarm disarm" }, { "id": "positionSingle", "value": "Position single" }, { "id": "positionPeriodic", "value": "Periodic reporting" }, { "id": "positionStop", "value": "Stop reporting" }, { "id": "movementAlarm", "value": "Movement alarm" }, { "id": "setTimezone", "value": "Set timezone" }, { "id": "rebootDevice", "value": "Reboot device" }, { "id": "sendSms", "value": "Send sms" }, { "id": "custom", "value": "Custom command" } ], "units": [ { "id": "second", "value": "Second" }, { "id": "minute", "value": "Minute" }, { "id": "hour", "value": "Hour" } ], "number_index": [ { "id": 1, "value": "First" }, { "id": 2, "value": "Second" }, { "id": 3, "value": "Third" }, { "id": 0, "value": "Three SOS numbers at the same time" } ], "actions": [ { "id": 1, "value": "On" }, { "id": 0, "value": "Off" } ], "devices_protocols": { "3": "osmand" }, "commands_all": { "default": { "engineStop": "Engine stop", "engineResume": "Engine resume", "alarmArm": "Alarm arm", "alarmDisarm": "Alarm disarm", "positionSingle": "Position single", "positionPeriodic": "Periodic reporting", "positionStop": "Stop reporting", "movementAlarm": "Movement alarm", "setTimezone": "Set timezone", "rebootDevice": "Reboot device", "sendSms": "Send sms", "custom": "Custom command" }, "watch": { "sosNumber": "SOS number setting", "alarmSos": "SOS message alarm", "alarmBattery": "Low battery alarm", "alarmRemove": "Alarm of taking watch", "rebootDevice": "Restart", "silenceTime": "Time interval setting of silence time", "alarmClock": "Alarm clock setting order", "setPhonebook": "Phone book setting order" }, "pt502": { "engineStop": "Engine stop", "engineResume": "Engine resume" } }, "status": 1 }
object | ||
status | integer | optional |
errors | object | optional |
{ "status": 0, "errors": {} }
object | ||
status | integer | optional |
error | string | optional |
{ "status": 0, "error": "No language selected." }
Query String
lang | string Validation default: en | required |
user_api_hash | string Validation default: $2y$10$5RACGMNxUdz3h1ug9yAttu95U2acugM0YG1K5wx01ZrNMvpL6BWMS | required |
Request Body multipart/form-data
object | ||
device_id | integer | optional |
type | string | optional |
message | string | optional |
Query String
lang | string Validation default: en | required |
user_api_hash | string Validation default: $2y$10$5RACGMNxUdz3h1ug9yAttu95U2acugM0YG1K5wx01ZrNMvpL6BWMS | required |
Request Body multipart/form-data
object | ||
message | string | required |
devices | required |
Query String
lang | string Validation default: en | required |
user_api_hash | string Validation default: $2y$10$5RACGMNxUdz3h1ug9yAttu95U2acugM0YG1K5wx01ZrNMvpL6BWMS | required |
device_id | integer | required |
array[object] | ||
type | string | required |
title | string | required |
attributes | array[object] | optional |
type |
string, ingeter, text, select |
required |
name | string | required |
title | string | required |
options | array[object] | optional |
id | integer string | optional |
title | string | optional |
default | integer string | optional |
description | string | optional |
[ { "type": "alarmSos", "title": "SOS message alarm", "attributes": { "enable": { "title": "Parameter", "name": "enable", "type": "select", "options": { "0": "Off", "1": "On" }, "validation": "required" } } }, { "type": "alarmBattery", "title": "Low battery alarm", "attributes": { "enable": { "title": "Parameter", "name": "enable", "type": "select", "options": { "0": "Off", "1": "On" }, "validation": "required" } } }, { "type": "alarmRemove", "title": "Alarm of taking watch", "attributes": { "enable": { "title": "Parameter", "name": "enable", "type": "select", "options": { "0": "Off", "1": "On" }, "validation": "required" } } }, { "type": "alarmClock", "title": "Alarm clock setting order", "attributes": { "data": { "title": "Parameter", "name": "data", "type": "string", "validation": "required" } } }, { "type": "positionSingle", "title": "Position single" }, { "type": "positionPeriodic", "title": "Periodic reporting", "attributes": { "unit": { "title": "Unit", "name": "unit", "type": "select", "options": { "second": "Second", "minute": "Minute", "hour": "Hour" }, "default": "minute" }, "frequency": { "title": "Frequency", "name": "frequency", "type": "integer", "default": 1, "validation": "required" } } }, { "type": "setTimezone", "title": "Set timezone", "attributes": [ { "title": "Parameter", "name": "timezone", "type": "integer", "validation": "required|integer" } ] }, { "type": "sosNumber", "title": "SOS number setting", "attributes": { "index": { "title": "index", "name": "index", "type": "select", "options": [ 0, 1, 2 ], "default": "0", "validation": "required" }, "phone": { "title": "SIM number", "name": "phone", "type": "string", "validation": "required" } } }, { "type": "requestPhoto", "title": "Request photo" }, { "type": "rebootDevice", "title": "Reboot device" }, { "type": "custom", "title": "Custom command", "attributes": { "data": { "title": "Message", "name": "data", "type": "text", "validation": "required", "description": "RAW command (only text commands are supported)
You can use these variables:
[%IMEI%] - the selected device imei" } } } ]
object | ||
status | integer | optional |
errors | object | optional |
{ "status": 0, "errors": {} }
object | ||
status | integer | optional |
error | string | optional |
{ "status": 0, "error": "No language selected." }